I bought some really cute onsies for the baby Saturday! One says "I'm New Around Here" Ha, love it. I also bought socks. Lets see if I picked the right kind....
Sunday we had a wonderful time having everyone over. I cooked a huge meal and we ate until we could no more! I was hoping Kevin and Lauren would have news for us. BOY? GIRL? BOY? GIRL? I am just about to bust!!! Lauren had been to the Dr. but the did not have another ultra sound yet. : ( boooo. Her tummy is starting to form. Bless her heart she still gets sick at different times through out the day. I think she may be one who has to deal with this the whole 9 month. Ug!
Well here we go it's another week. To start it off I am once again linking up with "Meet Me On Monday" Clink the Picture and meet some more lovely ladies!
1.Who would be your dream celebrity date?
Well, I actually went to google and looked up “romantic leading men” looked around I could just pick one just because. But I really don’t have one. If the question was what Famous person would you like to have lunch with. Well then I could come up with names. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt what an amazing strong women with just the best quotes! Grace Kelly Now there is a great story love to hear about it first hand over lunch wouldn’t you? Anyway, I love my husband and I guess that may be corny, but I just don’t see myself with anyone else. NOT that I don’t see a movie and think, whew, now he is a nice looking man. I just can’t remember any that I would think I would like a date with.
2. Do you have any food restrictions?
Yes I am a Celiac So I am very restricted. No gluten in any form what so ever!! No processed foods. I cook everything from scratch and we don’t go out very often because I tend to get sick even when I order from a GF menu.
Yes I am a Celiac So I am very restricted. No gluten in any form what so ever!! No processed foods. I cook everything from scratch and we don’t go out very often because I tend to get sick even when I order from a GF menu.
3. How much time do you take to get ready in the morning?
Well, I don’t have anywhere to get to in the morning so as soon as I step out of bed…. I’m ready depending on what I want to do. I have the luxury of staying in the PJ’s if I don’t feel very well. So as soon as the teeth are brushed humm 5 min.! But If I were to be going out, I’m not to fussy I do put on a face but it doesn’t take me long. I can go from shower to in the car in an hour.
Well, I don’t have anywhere to get to in the morning so as soon as I step out of bed…. I’m ready depending on what I want to do. I have the luxury of staying in the PJ’s if I don’t feel very well. So as soon as the teeth are brushed humm 5 min.! But If I were to be going out, I’m not to fussy I do put on a face but it doesn’t take me long. I can go from shower to in the car in an hour.
5. Do you Google, Bing or Yahoo?
Google and Yahoo usually find what I need on either of them. But I like Google maps much better!
Thank you for coming by.
Have a Blessed week!
Thank you for coming by.
Have a Blessed week!
I love bacon too. Yum!
Hi Wanda!
Thanks for playing along with Meet Me on Monday!! Please remember to link only your Meet Me On Monday post and not your whole blog! I have to go in and fix it!!
Hope you have a great week!!!
Hmmm, maybe they're just going to wait until the baby is born to find out what it is!!!!
Interesting questions.
I try to steer away from processed foods but lately it's been hard with building a house.
Cindy Bee
You and I are at the same place with our dream date. I would LOVE to have a dream date with my husband - but can't imagine something that special with anyone else. What a blessing that we can say we're in that kind of relationship!!
Morning Wanda! I have a gluten thing going on too and we don't eat out very much at all, either.
Hope you find out if it's a boy or girl soon- but you know, you can't always depend on those! They told me my youngest was a girl, but he came out with a stem on his apple...save all the receipts and tags. LOL
Hugs- Tete
OH! How exciting it will be to find out if you have a grandson or granddaughter :o) (we don't have nay yet, but I already have a little stash of sweet little outfits...for a boy and a girl!)
dream date: my hubby
food restrictions: none (I would love to try some of your gluten-free recipes)
time to get ready: on a work day-glasses on, teeth brush, throw on my work scrubs and out the door, if I have too!
Yummm! bacon!
I google and bing
Blessings & Aloha!
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